Tag Archives: illustration

Emigration: The Journey

It’s almost a year since we took a leap of faith and packed our life into boxes to begin a new life in Canada.

The process began long before the boxes arrived to be packed.  Heavy decisions were made with heavy hearts. It’s taken time to process all the memories of these last few months in Dublin.

This slideshow is something of a personal reminder of the journey, the people that helped us through, the people that put smiles on our faces.  It’s a reminder that no matter how far we may travel, the special bonds of friendship and lives shared will always be apart of us.

It’s been a good year.  Not an easy one.

Beginning again takes time as we thread the old with the new and learn to adapt to a new way of life and community.

I can’t avoid the old cliche, ‘what doesn’t kill you…’, because when I remember back to the stresses involved around gaining the courage to move and change, I’m surprised we’re still in one piece.  And stronger for it.

With love to our friends back home in Eire.

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